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Cancer and Caregiver Books

At the urging of friends and family, I authored a book about caring for someone diagnosed with gliobastoma multiforme (GBM) – a stage 4 brain cancer. In the United States, over 10,000 people are diagnosed with glioblastoma each year and nearly 70,000 people when accounting for all primary brain and central nervous system tumors.

In a single day, I suddenly became a caregiver. I received a crash course about brain cancer and my new role as an advocate to communicate with doctors to ensure the best treatment plan possible. I learned about the needs of someone suffering from this deadly disease. I learned some tips and techniques for minimizing stress and burnout.

I share the story of one person’s courage in her fight against this disease and the lessons that I learned along the way. My hope is that our story will be a source of encouragement and strength for you if you find yourself Suddenly a Caregiver.

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