Darryl Pendergrass

Most commented posts

  1. 4 – The Law of Navigation — 11 comments
  2. 12 – The Law of Empowerment — 10 comments
  3. 2 – The Law of Influence — 10 comments
  4. Laws of Leadership — 10 comments
  5. 8 – The Law of Intuition — 7 comments

Author's posts

Apple iPad Unwrapped

I finally received my iPad Wi-Fi + 3G 64BG on 12 May 2010. I missed the home delivery by 7 minutes so later in the evening I had to drive 56 miles round-trip to retrieve the box from the FedEx site. I simply could not wait another day.

Permanent link to this article: http://darrylpendergrass.com/Blog/apple-ipad-unwrapped/

3 – The Law of Process

In John C. Maxwell’s book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You (2007), John discusses the importance of understanding the path to leadership is a process and does not happen overnight. We live in a time that is dominated by a microwave mentality. We like our popcorn in three minutes or less. Television portrays the resolution of problems in 30 to 60 minutes. The constant and sometimes subtle reminders of instant gratification lures us to desire that leadership development also occurs rapidly if not instantly. Maxwell reminds his readers that leadership development is an investment. Similarly, you are unlikely to become financially independent in one day but small financial investments over time compound and often result in financial success over long periods.

Some people demonstrate natural leadership ability and grow more rapidly, while others require a focused approach to develop leadership skills. Growing the factors that contribute to leadership ability – character, relationships, knowledge, intuition, experience, and past success – takes time and your focus to develop (see leadership factors in this blog post for more details).

Personal Growth Phases

Personal growth tends to follow the phases shown in the following figure. Your dedication to personal growth influences the progression through the phases. Bennis and Nanus (1997) state, “It’s the capacity to develop and improve their skills that distinguishes leaders from their followers” (p.56) and therein lies the responsibility for each of us to take charge of our personal growth.


On a personal note, over many years I developed an enjoyable and rewarding career in technology. I was provided and pursued many opportunities that allowed me grow my technical and leadership skills.

However, the telecommunication downturn and recession of 2001 initiated vast workforce reductions throughout the industry. After many years of growth and demand for technologists, the reductions flooded the market with a pool of talented people. As a result, many employers raised the standard for entry to personnel with degrees. The situation created some personal anxiety and concern regarding my viability in the workplace and overall marketability. While I remained employed throughout that period, I choose to return to school to complete a bachelors program to bind my experience and skill with education. The phases of personal growth became readily apparent throughout the education process and reinforced the necessity to maintain a watchful eye over industry trends and to close the gaps that affect my personal marketability.

To summarize, growth is a process that requires observation, planning, and dedicated focus. One does not develop leadership ability in a day but evolves over time through attention to the growth process.

Mind map of the 21 laws of leadership.

Bennis, W. and Nanus, B. (1997). Leaders: Strategies for taking charge. HarperCollins.
Maxwell, John. (2007). The 21 irrefutable laws of leadership. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Permanent link to this article: http://darrylpendergrass.com/Blog/3-the-law-of-process/

iPad Keyboard Dock Unwrapped

The unwrapping of the Apple iPad keyboard dock. At the time of the posting, I am still awaiting the arrival of the iPad but hope to receive this next week.

Permanent link to this article: http://darrylpendergrass.com/Blog/ipad-keyboard-dock-unwrapped/

iPad Keyboard Dock – Special Keys

I created this brief video to describe the Apple iPad keyboard dock special keys and available ports. I am awaiting the delivery of the iPad –impatiently, I might add – to give the keyboard a try.

Permanent link to this article: http://darrylpendergrass.com/Blog/ipad-keyboard-dock-special-keys/

Building a Career Portfolio

CareerPortfolio The Career Portfolio Workbook: Using the Newest Tool in Your Job-Hunting Arsenal to Impress Employers and Land a great Job!


Frank Satterthwaite and Gary D’Orsi describe the importance of building a career portfolio and provide various approaches for assembling an artifact library (Master Portfolio). The master portfolio contains artifacts or evidence of your personal behaviors and characteristics that add value, experience, accomplishments, knowledge, and skills – a.k.a. P.E.A.K.S. When an opportunity arises, the master portfolio provides a library from which to create a targeted portfolio specifically designed to take advantage of the opportunity. The targeted portfolio is useful for a new job interview, a promotion, a lateral transfer, or a performance review.

Proactively creating your master portfolio helps you by avoiding the anxiety you might have when trying to prepare for the opportunity on short notice. Analyzing your master portfolio helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses and enables you to build a plan to enhance your marketability.

Permanent link to this article: http://darrylpendergrass.com/Blog/career-portfolio/